Download, extract, install, enjoy.Inside the archive there is 'crack' folder wich contains everything you need to crack the software.Download link:Leading Color Separation Software for Screen-PrintersSeparation Studio is the latest release of Spot Process, the software that pioneered automated, color image separating.
Spot Process Separation Studio v3.0 for PC and MACThis is the full cracked version of the software. More often than not, the beginning of the run will look better than the end of the run for the guy who uses a 110 screen. It’s important to use a dense enough mesh count to host the small dots that create the killer graphics you’re after. The screen needs to be able to keep the dots on it and, if the mesh openings are bigger than the dot size itself, the physics won’t be on your side after a few wet prints. This type of color choice method gets the user closer to being able to choose their specific colors.Mesh mattersNo matter if separations are done manually or automatically, or in Photoshop or CorelDRAW, high-end halftone or index dots require the use of screen meshes higher than 110 and if this is the case, get used to the idea of using 305 or better. Pixel Splitter also allows users to select their own colors from a 25 color fixed palette as well as a gray-scale and opaque under-base. This technique gives the user the ability to do high-end color separations similar to those found in Photoshop.
These shops’ art departments are generating dollars.Features and functionsFeatures on some color-separation programs include registration marks as well as the ability to include job information on the films. Anyone who has been to a trade show such as The NBM Show has seen first-hand the quality of printed shirts that were color separated with automated color separators.

Speed is a huge asset and many jobs will look great with as-is automated separations printed with right-out-of-the-can colors.Obviously, a design with seven reds, four blues, a black, a highlight, a base and green foil won’t work for most color separation programs, but a great majority of high-end decorations can be done with automated color separators and be out of the art department, on the press and into customers’ hands faster than without these new automated programs.
Even for those who know how to color separate like a pro, the production-speed benefits these programs offer help shops to compete in this fast-paced industry. CorelDRAW color separation software such as Vector Sep or Pixel Splitter have further changed the way we do color separations in that they produce in a few minutes or less what took hours in the past. Now anyone with $100 and up can color separate and sell garments with high-end color separations to compete in this less-than-booming economy.Speed as an assetColor separation software such as T-Seps (formerly Fast Films), Easy Art, Spot Me and Spot Process are just a few color separators for Photoshop. Only the very well-established could color separate high end color. We’re better because of it what once took all day or better to cut color now takes minutes to color separate.We now have the ability to color separate photos and photo realistic images and multi-colored designs quickly. A great majority of our art departments are now comprised of one or more MACs and/or PCs and one or more inkjet and/or laser printers. Those three programs and many more replaced glue-pens and white-out for pasting up artwork and the stat camera that shot it. Anyone who’s been around long enough just smiled because that very lengthy process is as outdated as the “I’m with Stupid” T-shirts and has been gradually replaced by quick, automated “push button” color separation software.For many, Illustrator and CorelDRAW replaced photo blue pencils guided by French curves while Photoshop replaced a lot more tools than just the air-brush. All that and more had to be done before the color separations went to production to burn the screens-which in itself was another long, creative process.